How much does it cost to create an app? NoCode vs. Code

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Top 10 no-code app builders for 2024: Create apps without coding. Simplify development process


In our previous article, we delved into the various factors influencing app development costs. 

Now, let's explore how the complexity of your app—whether it's simple or highly intricate—affects its pricing. 

We'll also compare the cost ranges for no-code alternatives to custom-coded apps, providing you with a clearer understanding of your options.

Quick Overview: How Much Does It Cost To Create An App?

If you ask a development studio, like Nerdheadz to estimate the cost of making a custom app without giving clear documents and details, the cost for building your app will probably be just a rough estimate as seen below.

However, if you're looking to get a precise estimate on how much it costs to build your app idea with no-code, you need to consider many things, which includes:  

  • The complexity of your design, which includes the number of functions and features as mentioned below
  • The number of screens required for your app
  • The development process- which has been subsidised by our choice of no-code development;
  • The changes integrated during quality assurance phase;
  • The complexity of your app's database;
  • The number and depth of 3rd party integrations your app requires;
  • The need for security protocols like HIPAA or GDPR and
  • The size and level of the development team required to bring your project to life.

We offer free estimation for building out your app idea using Bubble no-code. Meet with our team here to get a free slot.

What Is Regarded As A Simple App?

A simple app typically has 1 to 5 core features such as a login/logout function, user profile, and basic user interface without complex interactions. 

An example might be a single-purpose app like a weather app or a basic to-do list.

Estimated development time for simple apps is often between 2-4 months.

What Is Regarded As  A Medium-Complexity App?

A medium complexity app will typically have between 5-15  core features and include more advanced features such as integrations with APIs, in-app purchases, and user data analytics

E-commerce apps with product catalogues, user accounts, and basic payment processing will easily fall  into this category.

Development time for moderately complex/medium-complex apps often ranges between 4-9 months.

By Complexity, What Do We Term As  A Complex App?

A complex app will typically have more than 15 core features and integrations, including complex systems like real-time user interactions, extensive backend infrastructure, and advanced security measures. 

Social media platforms, comprehensive e-commerce apps, or apps with extensive customization options will easily fall into this category.

Development time for custom-coded complex apps can be over 9 months.

We offer free estimation for building out your app idea using Bubble no-code. Meet with our team here to get a free slot.

Code Vs. NoCode: How much does it cost to develop a simple app?

Let’s compare estimated costs from multiple agencies to decide how much it costs to build no-code simple apps versus custom code.

Cost Comparison Table

Cost Comparison Table

Agency Dev Type Hourly Rate Cost Range
Cleveroad Custom Code $50/hr $40k-$120k
SPD Load Custom Code $100-150/hr $10k-$60k
Nerdheadz No-Code $50-100/hr $2k-$10k

Code Vs. NoCode: How much does it cost to develop a medium complexity app?

Let’s compare the cost estimate from multiple agencies showing how much it costs to build no-code medium-complexity apps versus custom coding them.

Cost Comparison Table

Cost Comparison Table

Agency Dev Type Hourly Rate Cost Range
Upwork Custom Code $50/hr $61k-$69k
Cleveroad Custom Code $50/hr $120k-$200k
Nerdheadz No-Code $50-100/hr $5k-$15k

Code Vs. NoCode: How much does it cost to develop a complex app?

Let’s compare the cost estimate from multiple agencies showing how much it costs to build no-code complex apps with over 15 core features versus custom coding them.

Cost Comparison Table

Cost Comparison Table

AgencyDev TypeHourly RateCost Range
SPD LoadCustom-Code$100-150/hr$300,000+
CleveroadCustom Code$50/hr$300,000+

Please note, the information above are only estimates, and the original duration for your project idea may vary

We offer free estimation for building out your app idea using Bubble no-code. Meet with our team here to get a free slot.

How We Determine Our Service Pricing at Nerdheadz 

At Nerdheadz, we estimate the cost of completing a project by the product of estimated project duration and the agreed hourly rate. 

So for a project that takes 500 hours at a rate of $50/hour, that app would cost $25,000.

Estimated Durations For Building An App: Code Vs. NoCode

1. Simple Mobile App like a To-Do-List

Cost Comparison Table

Cost Comparison Table

MethodPlanning & DesignDevelopingTesting & DeploymentTotal
Code1-2 wks4-6 wks2-3 wks7-11 wks
No-Code1 wk1-2 wks1 wk3-4 wks

2. eCommerce App

Cost Comparison Table

Cost Comparison Table

MethodPlanning & DesignDevelopingTesting & DeploymentTotal
Code2-3 wks8-12 wks3-4 wks13-19 wks
No-Code1-2 wks3-4 wks1-2 wks5-8 wks

3. Social Networking App

Cost Comparison Table

Cost Comparison Table

MethodPlanning & DesignDevelopingTesting & DeploymentTotal
Code3-4 wks12-16 wks4-5 wks19-25 wks
No-Code2-3 wks4-6 wks2-3 wks8-12 wks

4. Marketplace App

Cost Comparison Table

Cost Comparison Table

MethodPlanning & DesignDevelopingTesting & DeploymentTotal
Code4-5 wks16-20 wks5-6 wks25-31 wks
No-Code2-3 wks6-8 wks2-3 wks10-14 wks

5. On-Demand Delivery App

Cost Comparison Table

Cost Comparison Table

MethodPlanning & DesignDevelopingTesting & DeploymentTotal
Code4-5 wks20-24 wks6-8 wks30-37 wks
No-Code3-4 wks8-10 wks3-4 wks14-18 wks

Please note, the information above are only estimates, and the original duration for your project idea may vary

How Does Building With NoCode Reduce Your Cost of Creating an App?

According to Upwork, these are the typical hourly rates charged by mobile developers:

  • iOS Developer: $45-75
  • Android Developer: $25-85+
  • React Native Developer: $25-70
  • Xamarin Developer: $25-50+

These rates are influenced not only by experience but also by the developer's expertise in specific technologies.

In contrast, here are the estimated hourly rates for no-code Bubble agencies:

  • Airdev: $80/hour
  • Rapid Dev: $60/hour
  • Million Labs: $80/hour
  • Nerdheadz: $50/hour

If we assume it takes the same amount of time for a no-code agency to build your project-which as displayed above is incorrect- hiring traditional developers is often more costly.

No-code agencies offer the advantage of faster project completion without compromising on quality, communication, and reliability. 

They eliminate the risks of no-shows and the challenges of organizing a team of developers yourself.

Please note, the information above are only estimates, and the original duration for your project idea may vary

We offer free estimation for building out your app idea using Bubble no-code. Meet with our team here to get a free slot.

Top Related Topics: 

Top 4 Factors That Determine The Cost Of Developing an App

How long does it take to build an app? No-code vs Custom Code

5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a No-code Agency Near You

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Temitayo Michael is a seasoned professional in copywriting and content marketing, known for his strategic mindset and innovative approach to problem-solving. With extensive experience in building marketing funnels, he has consistently driven growth and efficiency in his roles.

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Frequently asked questions

What factors influence the cost of app development?

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Key factors include app complexity, number of features, development method (no-code vs. custom code), third-party integrations, database complexity, and security needs.

How long does it take to develop an app using no-code compared to custom coding?

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No-code apps generally take less time. For instance, a complex app might take 14-18 weeks with no-code, versus 30-37 weeks with custom code.

How do no-code development costs compare to custom-coded app costs?

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According to our estimates, No-code development can be approximately 95% less expensive than custom code for complex apps, 93.75% less costly than custom code for medium-complexity apps, and 92.5% less expensive than custom code for simple apps

Is no-code development more cost-effective for startups?

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Yes, no-code development is more cost-effective for startups as it reduces the need for extensive coding, shortens development time, and allows for quicker iterations, saving both time and money.